

What is PhysioFITT?

PhysioFITT is a targeted programme of physical activity or exercise, provided by Physiotherapists, for specific individuals who do not or cannot currently exercise because of physical, mental, personal or environmental barriers. The aim of PhysioFITT is to help such individuals overcome the barriers that challenge them from participating in activity/exercise.

Such individuals may be:

  • People who have a specific pathology that benefits from exercise/activity (e.g. cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, hypertension, Parkinson’s etc.). Exercise can be seen as a complete or part intervention.
  • People who have pathology or risk of pathology (e.g. diabetes, obesity) for which exercise plays an important part in overall management. Exercise can be part of a management plan or a starting point.
  • People who are at risk of secondary pathology such as cognitive degeneration, sarcopenia, depression, falls and other medical complications due to inactivity resulting from primary long-term or disabling conditions and which could result in additional suffering, hospitalisation and increased burden of care.
  • People who would benefit from enhanced wellbeing and mental health (e.g. individuals with depression, anxiety, etc.) via physical activity.

How do I participate in PhysioFITT?

You can self refer or be referred by your GP or practise nurse. Anyone who is keen to increase activity but is unsure of how to start would benefit from PhysioFITT. Another service available to support people to lead active healthy lives  in Canterbury is Green Prescription

What should I expect if I participate in PhysioFITT?

The programme will be four 60-minute sessions over a 3-4 month period. You can pull out of the programme at any time. The first session will be an assessment to help with the barriers getting in the way of exercise and a plan will be made. The three follow up sessions will be used to progress and modify your programme to meet you specific goals and needs. You will be supported throughout the programme via email and phone.

Where can I do a PhysioFITT Programme?

At Balance Physiotherapy and Pilates we are passionate about getting people active and therefore we would love to help you with your PhysioFITT programme but any Physiotherapist in Canterbury can also help you with a PhysioFITT programme.

How much exercise should I be doing?

The World Health organisation recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous activity a week. Ask yourself two questions to assess your own Physical activity; this is called the exercise vital sign.

  1. On average, how many days per week do you engage in moderate to strenuous exercise (like a brisk walk)?
  2. On average, how many minutes do you engage in exercise at this level?
  3. Your Total (#1 x #2) = ____    mins/week

Make a booking

Whether you play sport competitively, socially or just to stay active, get in touch with our team today. We have the expertise to help you get back to your best… and better!